1. Renaissance
    1. william Shakespeare
      1. Status
        1. Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English literature
      2. Works
        1. 154 sonnets
        2. 37 plays
        3. 2 long narrative poems
      3. Major representative
        1. Four Great tragedies
          1. Othello; king Lear; Macbeth; hamlet
        2. Four great comedies
          1. The Taming the shrews; Much Ado About Nothing; As you like it; Twelfth Nights; Midsummer Night's Dream
      4. writing style
        1. Humanism, narrative art, clue art, monologue art, tragicomedy fusion.
    2. Francis bacon
      1. Status
        1. A representative of the English Renaissance, is a well-known philosopher, scientist and essay ist
        2. Praised by Marx as "the progenitor of English materialism
      2. Major works
        1. Advancement of learning
        2. Novum organnum
        3. New Atlantis
        4. Essays
      3. Writing style
        1. be characterized by clarity and logical vigor
        2. be good at using rhetorical devices such as contrast, parallelism, metaphor
        3. Be very much focused on positivism and empiricism
  2. Neo-classicism
    1. Alexander pope
      1. Major works:
        1. The rape of the lock; the Iliad; the odyssey; The works of Shakespeare, Moral Essay, Essay on Man.
      2. Writing style
        1. Pope's poems mostly use "heroic double rhyme" many of his words are neat, concise and philosophical, and some of his poems have almost become a motto
    2. Daniel Defoe
      1. Major works
        1. Robinson Crusoe
        2. Captain singleton
        3. Moll Flanders
        4. A journal of the plague year
        5. Roxana
      2. Creative characteristics
        1. Thematic ideas
          1. Humanistic spirit
          2. Religious consciousness
          3. Colonialism
      3. Artistic features
        1. Real writing
        2. Detailed description
        3. Narrative perspective
  3. Romanticism
    1. William Blake
      1. Major works
        1. songs of innocence
        2. songs of experience
      2. Writing style
        1. religious, prophetic,Philosophical and artistic character istics
        2. The earlypoetry is simple and easy to understand, and the main syllables can be short, the syllables can be short, and the theme content is mainly based on what they have seen and heard in life. However, the later poems have increased significantly, sometime hundreds or even thousands of lines, and the content is also obviously obsoure, jcharacterized obscure, mainly characterized by mystery,religioin and symbols.
    2. Robert Burns
      1. Major works:
        1. The tree of Liberty
        2. Robert Bruce's March to bannockburn
        3. Scots wha Hae
        4. For a’that and a’ that
        5. Holy Willie's prayer
        6. A red, red Rose
        7. Comin thro the rye
        8. O Wert Thou in the cauld blast
        9. I love My Jean
        10. Highland Mary.
      2. Writing style
        1. Poetic style
        2. Sincerity
        3. Various themes
        4. It has a pure folk song flavor and strong local colors
    3. Percy Bysshe Shelley
      1. Major works
        1. The necessity of atheism
        2. Addressto the Irish people
        3. Queen Mab
        4. The revolt of Islam
        5. Ode to the west wind
        6. Ode to a skylark
        7. Prometheus-unbound
      2. Writing styles
        1. Wide selection of materials
        2. Emotional and sincere
        3. Rich imagination
        4. Rich ideological connotation
    4. George Gordon Byron.
      1. Major works
        1. Hours of idleness
        2. English bards and scotch reviewers
        3. Childe Harold's pilgrimage
      2. Writing styles
        1. Unique, full of passion,unrestrained and yearning for freedom
    5. John Keats
      1. Major works
        1. Imitation of Spenser
        2. Endymion
        3. Isabella
        4. To Autumn
      2. Writing styles
        1. Good at depicting natural scenery and the appearance of things, expressing the color and three-dimensional sense of scenery, attaching importance to writing skills, and persuing language beauty
    6. Jane Austen
      1. Major works
        1. Sense and sensibility
        2. Pride and prejudice
        3. Emma
        4. Persuasion
      2. Writing styles
        1. Attach importance to dialogue and description
        2. Make good use of irony