1. 首段
    1. 问候
      1. How are you going?
    2. 自我介绍
      1. I am Lihua,a stuent from Wenzhou university.
    3. 写信目的
      1. 建议
        1. I am writing to give you some suggestions
      2. 邀请
        1. I am writing to invite you to……
      3. 通知
        1. I am writing to inform you of…
  2. 第二段
    1. 建议信
      1. 建议一
        1. First of all/To begin with,it is +adj for sb to do sth. As we know,….
      2. 建议二
        1. What is more/Additionally/Besides,you are supposed to/had better do sth
      3. 建议三
        1. What is more /Besides /additionally,do sth(祈使句),which can make /provide you …
    2. 邀请信
    3. 通知信
  3. 尾段
    1. 表达祝愿/提醒/鼓励
      1. 建议信
        1. If you follow my advice,I am sure you will…..
      2. 通知信
        1. Do not forget to be on time. /Make sure….
      3. 祝愿
        1. I hope you will have a good time!I have the confidence that you will have a great time/pass the exam.
      4. 邀请信
        1. I would appreciate if you could accept my invitation./I will be grateful if you are willing to come/take part in.
    2. 套话凑字数
      1. If there anything that I can help,please don't hestitate to tell me.
    3. 期待回信
      1. I am looking forward to your early reply!