- Most studies focus on the droughts.
- The background aridity in a warming world is less unknown.
- Note that the droughts rely on the background aridity.
- The ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration (P/PET).
- Higher P/PET means a drier world, and vice versa.
- P/PET should be 1 globally and on climate time scales.
- P shows no difference from ocean to land.
- P/PET is decreasing and projected to be decrease in the future over land.
- Thus, P/PET over ocean should be in the increasing trend.
- Thus, PET increases faster than P over land.
- Trend: PETland > Pland = Pocean > PETocean
- Land is warmer than Ocean.
- What are droughts? What are heatwaves? Should we define them relatively or absolutely?
- So, tropical cyclones will decay faster on land in the future?